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By January 16, 2024No Comments

TUESDAY MORNING UPDATE:  Clearly, Trump won a decisive victory with wide margins over his Republican opponents.  Key questions about why people voted for Trump — about half of Republicans, while the other half split to give DeSantis a very narrow victory over Haley, remain.

The Washington Post’s polling offers details.  We found the following exit poll data particularly important:

  • White Evangelical Christians (54%) of attendees:  51% voted for Trump
  • 65% of all attendees:  Do NOT! believe Joe Biden won the 2020 election
  • 71% of all attendees said they would vote for Donald Trump even if he were convicted of any (or some) of the 91 felonies Trump is charged with.
  • Republican Caucus attendees’ most important issues:
    • 37% economy
    • 34% immigration
    • 12% abortion
    • 12% foreign policy

The Post has much more detail.

In summary, the fact that 65% of Republicans have missed the fact that Biden won a legitimate election, that all the challenges looking for cheating failed, and that Trump supported, and likely was the planner and instigator of the January 6th attempt to overthrow the US Constitution is mind-boggling.

This “MISSED THE FACTS”  example is proof of how broad the effect of the News Desert is.


MONDAY NIGHT – January 15th Caucus report:  Trump & Hoover — Losers Together!  It’s minutes before the Iowa Caucuses begin.  I wonder?   Some Republicans tonight are going to answer this question — Is an Economic Collapse a 

  1. Good thing?
  2. Bad thing?

Trump hopes the economy will crash in the next 12 months.  He says he “doesn’t want to be Herbert Hoover!”

What if Trump’s wished-for collapse happens the day after the Iowa Caucuses?  What’s the best way to prepare ourselves for a collapse?  Even the banks might close, so money in the bank may not help.  I can’t imagine how much money stuffed under a mattress it would take.

Still, some people ask:  Did Trump Wish “for an Economic Collapse?”  Yes, he did! 

 “I hope it’s going to (the economic crash will) be during this next 12 months because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover! **

Disclosure: I’m an Iowan; I find Herbert Hoover interesting.  Although he eventually lost to Roosevelt – deservedly so, Hoover accomplished a lot, e.g., Wikipedia reports:

  • Hoover headed the Commission for Relief in Belgium. (1914 — start of WWI)
  • Hoover led the Food Administration.  (1917 — appointed by President Wilson, US enter WWI)
  • Hoover earned the nickname — the American “food czar.”
  • Hoover led the American Relief Administration.  (1919 — organized food to starving people in Eastern and Central Europe, especially Russia”

Later, Hoover served as Secretary of Commerce for two presidents – Harding and Coolidge.  He ran for President in 1928 and won.  But then, the stock market collapsed.

In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt beat Hoover. 

Now, Trump doesn’t “want to be Hoover.” Because?  Trump doesn’t like “losers.” Like Trump, Hoover was a loser – losing his second presidential race.

Or because?  Trump’s long history includes hating food assistance.  As President, Trump tried to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by $180 million and would have radically changed how SNAP works, i.e., planning to make it harder for hungry people to get food.   He failed.

Trump hasn’t changed his position to oppose food for hungry children and families.  And nor have Trump’s “Hard Right” buddies in Congress today changed theirs.

So maybe Trump dislikes Hoover because he was known as the “Food Czar.’ 

Trump’s Administration lost jobs, not added jobs like Biden has. 

People who lose jobs get hungry.  Since Trump’s solution to everything is to lower taxes, paying for hungry people to eat food could get in the way of Trump’s continuing plan to lower taxes.

HEY IOWA REPUBLICANS … Herbert Hoover was Iowa’s only President.   Have you toured Hoover’s Library in West Branch, Iowa?  Is it okay with you that Trump trashed the only President to come from Iowa?

Or?  How about Trump’s BIG WISH for an economic collapse?  Want one?  

You can let us know tonight — Tuesday, January 15, 7:00 PM Central Time, coming soon near you.