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Bannon — An Outside Opinion on Trumpism?

By September 10, 2022No Comments

The Guardian, a London-based newspaper, is tracking Steve Bannon’s indictment “troubles.”  Bannon, who was Chief Strategist for Trump during Trump’s days in the White House, liked to position both himself and then President Trump as the working man’s advocate.

The positioning worked, but the advocacy did not happen. Trump’s 2017 tax bill made low-income people pay more, and high-income people pay less  Meanwhile, a lot of blaming took place — most of it directed toward immigrants (and Democrats) for everything.

Bannon, with Trump’s blessing, started a fundraising project for THE WALL to keep immigrants out, but it’s not going well for Bannon.  Nor is it going well for Trump who is having trouble finding enough lawyers willing to represent him..

Andrew Gawthorp writes for The Guardian:  Steve Bannon’s indictment reveals the truth about Trumpism