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Questions “We” Must Ask

By May 1, 2024May 3rd, 2024No Comments

Or, the Department of Homeland Security (DHAA) needs to ask for us.

The following questions are excerpts from David Doak’s media statements. Doak is a former Democratic media consultant and campaign manager, former prosecutor and public defender, and longtime friend of MY RURAL AMERICA’s founder.

“(1) Are the Russians supporting Trump this time? 

(2) Did the Russians and the Iranians greenlight the Hamas attack to weaken Biden?

(3) Is there Russian, Chinese, or Iranian participation in stoking campus protests?

(4) Has Russia participated in any way to promote the slow-walking of Ukraine aid?  Have they compromised some Republicans in Congress?

(5) Could some of the myriad of third-party candidates have been “inspired” by the Russians or the Chinese?  Jill Stein, Cornell West, and RFK Jr. seem to be positioned to siphon off Dem. votes from Biden.”  Why?

As Doak continues, he challenges DHS to ask these questions, look for data to support the answers, and tell us what investigations find.

Truth needs light, and it’s DHS’s responsibility to shine the light so we, the voters, can decide for ourselves.

For example,  Doak’s Question #5:  Jill Stine and Michael Flynn.

— In 2015, Stine met with Trump’s former National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, and Russian President Vladimir Putin at a dinner in Moscow.  Since then, Stine has given plenty of excuses about her purpose at the dinner.  NPR featured one of her excuses, but Stine, who publicly defines herself as a Green Party liberal, seems, at a minimum, to have chosen really poor timing to meet with them.  It was the lead-up to the election.

–Michael Flynn, recently retired from the US Army, would have been on Trump’s shortlist to become to National Security Advisor, and later, he was appointed by Trump, but it was Flynn’s multi-interactions with Putin and other Russian sources that cost him his job.

Or, Question 5:  In summary, George Will asked whether “112 House Republicans tried to give Putin a leg up?” in The Washington Post on April 25.  Another way to ask that question is why have 112 Republicans abandoned their party’s deep commitment to the defense of our country?

George Will also questioned “how many” of the House Republicans who voted against Ukraine aid “know or care that more than half the $61 billion will fund restocking U.S. munitions inventories, as well as Ukraine’s purchases of U.S. weapons?”

Although Will was focused on the House — 112 Republicans who opposed the U.S. keeping its long-term security commitments to Ukraine, he could easily have added certain Republican Senators to his list, e.g., the arrest of Alexander Smirnov as an agent of Russian intelligence popped Senator Charles Grassley’s (R-IA) bubble. Grassley was so busy scrambling to find excuses to impeach President Biden that Grassley became a big supporter of Smirnov’s Russian propaganda.

But wait, there are more:  Senator Josh Hawley (MO – R) and J.D. Vance (OH – R) are just two of them.

NOTE: Every now and then, MY RURAL AMERICA gets asked why we emphasize national security issues. “Isn’t rural America just farmers and agriculture?”

  • Our answer: Feeding America and the World isn’t enough to protect us. National Security is about teamwork, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with democracies around the world. Rural America’s sons and daughters make up 44% of the American military, even though rural America’s population is only about 18% of the country.
  • Rural America’s responsibility is to ensure that when we send our sons and daughters to protect us—the longest free democratic republic the world has ever seen—we send them for the right reasons.

More plainly, the Members of Congress who fail to defend our country are walking themselves into an ugly scenario that ultimately ties them into betrayal of our country.  Are we willing to call them traitors? or Judas?

Maybe it is time we started thinking about this. They have repeatedly proven they no longer believe in democracy.

Tara Suter, The HillGeorge Will, House Republicans voted to endanger ‘civilization’ with Ukraine aid opposition

DailyKos: Is Senator Grassley a Russian asset? Intentionally or as a useful idiot?

NPR SoCal, 2015:  Why Jill Stein Attended Moscow Dinner with Putin and Flynn

 ABC News, 2017: A timeline of Michael Flynn’s interactions with Russia that cost him his job