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I.V. F. ruling a surprise? We think NOT!

By March 4, 2024No Comments

Journalist Jessica Waters said it best, “We need to stop being surprised.  In a decision ripping through the country, on Feb. 16, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled in a case involving an in-vitro fertilization (IVF) clinic that a frozen embryo is a “person” under Alabama law. …”

Ms. Waters is right.  Blame whoever you want — Donald Trump, Donald Trump’s lackey-packed Supreme Court, right-wing conservative evangelical true-believers, the Republican Party.  Choose all four — a quartet!   You’ll be right.

Most certainly, we should know by now that this crowd has zero respect for women, for women’s healthcare, for husbands and wives who want to make their decisions together, for religions other than the right-wing conservative evangelicals’ personal choice of religion, and for the U.S. Constitution.

As a reminder, we share our Constitution’s First Amendment.  The Alabama judge who made the decision sited his twisted version of religion to justify the IVF decision, apparently not understanding that “Freedom of Religion” means “Freedom to Choose Your Religion.”

The First Amendment:  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Alabama Court’s decision ended the creation of frozen embryos through in vitro fertilization.

Some people made jokes — funny, not funny:  If a woman steps on an elevator, and there is a limit on numbers of people in the elevator, e.g., ten, does she have to get off?  Do each of these so-called
“persons” have to pay taxes?  Or, do they each get their own tax deduction?  Etc.  The thing to remember — this judge, like all but three of our Supreme justices no longer believe our Constitution or its Rule of Law has to be followed.

To make things worse, when the U.S. Senate tried to pass a bill intended to legalize I.V.F., Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, Republican of Mississippi, objected to approval of the measure.

The bill would have which created a federal right protecting access to I.V.F. and fertility treatments, but for now, Hyde-Smith’s action scuttled the chances  of this for now.  Meanwhile, once again, women are their victims.

The Alabama Court followed the Trump’s Supreme Court ruling (Dobbs vs. Jackson) that ended women’s right to choose their health care.  The decision stopped women who do not want to be pregnant from utilizing healthcare, and now thanks to Alabama, it has stopped women who want to be pregnant from utliizing science to aid them in becoming pregnant.

Once again, forget the “Surprise … Surprise” garbage.  This should not be a surprise.  A Court that can …

… Most certainly can require women to stop trying to be pregnant.  What matters here is that Courts, legislatures and elected officials are the wrong people to decide what should be personal and private.

If only I had a sense of humor … if only this wasn’t such a tragic story, I would laugh at the so-called pro-life conundrum.  Gee — they want to ban all abortions.  Gee — The Courts did it for them.  Gee — the consequences aren’t what they were planning.

And women everywhere are mad as hell!

Jessica Waters, The HILL called it, “Why are we surprised IVF is part of the assault on reproductive freedom?

Cara Tabachnick, CBS NewsOhio man sentenced to life in prison for rape of 10-year-old girl who traveled to Indiana for abortion

Brian Lyman, The Alabama Reflector: The Alabama Legislature helped Tom Parker realize his medieval dreams