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Senator Grassley — once upon a time, a thoughtful Senator

By February 26, 2024No Comments

“In May 2023, Senator Charles E. Grassley, a chief antagonist of President Biden, strode to the Senate floor with some shocking news: He had learned, he said, of a document in the FBI’s possession that could reveal “a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden …

“Last week, a federal grand jury in California indicted the former FBI informant who had made the accusation, Alexander Smirnov, on charges that he had fabricated the story in 2020 to help defeat Mr. Biden in the presidential campaign. …”

Grassley either fell for the Russian propaganda that Smirnov pedaled, or he was a true believer.  MY RURAL AMERICA awaits his public clarification and public apology.  A lot of other GOP apologies are due regarding this matter, too.

Luke Broadwater and Glenn Thrush, The New York TimesIgnoring warnings, GOP trumpeted now-discredited allegation against Biden