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House votes NO on impeachment of Mayorkas

By February 7, 2024No Comments

“BIG HATS, NO CATTLE!  is the continuing theme of House Republicans.  The “BIG HATS” demand action at the Border and follow up by refusing to pass solutions.  Now, they seek to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Majorkas for the unprecedented numbers of people surging over the Border.

  • Impeachment is a means of charging misconduct against a public office holder.
  • Traditionally, if a body of law is to vote for impeachment, specific charges (examples) of how the public officeholder has broken the law are necessary.
  • However, Tuesday’s charge against Majorkas included no evidence of broken or failing to follow laws.

Majorkas hasn’t broken any laws, nor is he charged with breaking laws.  He has followed the current immigration laws, e.g., the number of staff funded to solve the problem, rules about the undocumented people who must be interviewed to see if they qualify for asylum, and the authorized funding Congress allows.

Majorkas and Homeland Security need changes in law, additional funding, etc., but the “BIG HATS” prefer blaming to action.

Senator James Lankford (R-Oklahoma) gallantly tried to change the law to fix the problem.  He negotiated a bipartisan bill that brought solutions, i.e., changes in law, to address the issue.  He did what the Republicans asked for.

But “BIG HAT” Republicans turned on Lankford, clearly that “BIG HATS” prefer theater and playing political games.  They do not want “cattle” that bring solutions.

In short, the “BIG HATS” can’t or won’t govern.  They prefer following Donald Trump’s advice- don’t fix the law and don’t work on solutions- because we can use the border problems to beat up on Joe Biden and Majorkas.

Republicans own the Border now!  These “BIG HATS,” with their refusal to solve problems, change Border laws, and fund the Ukraine and Middle East wars, make the U.S. look weak and more fragile by the day as they stand with Putin and other enemies of the U.S., all who attack without cause.  They betray our country every day.

Michael Kazin, The New Republic DailyHow the GOP’s Hard Line Will Make America More Pro-Immigrant, Not Less 

Mary Clare Jalonick, AP NEWSBorder bill supporters combat misleading claims that it would let in more migrants

Rebecca Beitsch, The Hill: