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Defense Authorization Bill Moves Forward in the Senate

By December 9, 2023No Comments

The Senate will vote on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) this coming week.  It is likely the last vote this year.   House conservatives have slowed progress on the bill by trying to use it for their social agenda.  Now, Senate committees have dropped the limits on abortion and extended surveillance authorities in the bill.  Hard-right conservatives in the House can be expected to oppose these changes, which means that new Speaker Mike will likely need bi-partisan support to pass this Senate version.  Originally, the House passed the bill in July.

Connor O’Brien and Joe Gould, Politico: Top lawmakers drop abortion limits from defense bill, setting up fight with the right

Savannah Behrmann and Casey Wooten, National Journal:  Defense-policy bill set for vote next week could be Congress’ swan song for 2023

— Note:  the National Journal story above is only available until December 17.  After the 17th, readers must be paid subscribers of National Journal to access.