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Freedom Caucus opposes Freedom in Ukraine — Gaetz/Jordan risk America’s security

By October 9, 2023No Comments

If the hard-right conservatives in Congress get their way, the U.S. will pull its support from Ukraine and then sit back to watch Putin and “his” Russia declare victory.  Afterward, predictably, Russia will move forward to gobble up more and more countries – all because the U.S. and the West failed to aid Ukraine’s freedom to choose democracy.

 Remember WWII … first, we waited, then when almost all was lost, we woke up to realize that Hitler would soon be after us, and we were practically alone.

  • “First, they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and no one was left to speak for me.” (The Poem of Protest)

In the U.S. House of Representatives, over the years, many House Members have learned WWII’s valuable lesson — don’t wait, stop war early, rather than let the evil attackers burn across the World. This bi-partisan “majority” has chosen repeatedly to support Ukraine.

But now, as Speaker McCarthy failed, Republicans in the House came under siege, as the so-called “Freedom” Caucus – led by Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan, put the stranglehold on the fight for Ukraine’s freedom.

Following Gaetz/Jordan is a dangerous path.  It risks the newly strong economy and, worse yet, risks our very safety.  By pulling support for Ukraine, the Gaetz/Jordan crowd teaches the World that the word of the United States of America cannot be trusted.  In doing so, they make us less safe. They make the U.S. look weak.  This! is the payback should Gaetz/Jordan succeed in their drive to stop U.S. aid for Ukraine.  They risk our freedom as they fail to assist Ukraine’s fight for its own freedom.

“Hitler” comes after us all in the name of Putin. Hitler? Putin? There is no difference. Just like Hitler did, Putin specializes in war crimes and attacks without provocation, as he works to deny freedom.

Putin’s and Russia’s appetite is insatiable in its hunger to conquer neighbors and all who they identify as “different”… Jews, LGBTQ, people with disabilities, the autistic, trans, people of color, and more. None are safe from Putin’s deadly grasp.

This has been Russia’s modus operandi for centuries.  It should not surprise us.

The Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute reminds us,

“Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine and the “collective West” started neither in 2022 nor 2014 with the Russian annexation of Crimea. Today’s Ukraine is another bloody arena in Russia’s centuries-long attempt at the geopolitical, ideological, and informational conquest of its neighbors and the World. The war against Ukraine, the 2014 annexation of Crimea, the 2014–2022 war in the Donbas, the 2008 war against Georgia, and the 1999 and 1994 Chechen wars are only the most recent examples of this drive,” all steps along Russia’s bloody path to conquering the World.”

The U.S. chose to wring its hands when Russia pounced to annex Crimea. Then, just like always, Russia, led by Putin, pounced four more times before it returned to Ukraine to attack the whole country, one bite after another. As Russia’s traditional expansionist drive continues, Putin leads Russia to control the narrative. For Ukraine, Russia’s chosen excuses include declaring Ukraine had committed genocide against ethnic Russians, calling Ukraine’s government a Nazi regime, and declaring NATO a major enemy because NATO stands ready to defend its country members from attack. None of this narrative is authentic.

Attack, attack — Putin’s Russia attacks without provocation.  Nothing is safe.  Not babies, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, funerals … no one — NOTHING! is safe in Ukraine from Putin’s genocide.

Will so-called traditionally “conservative” House Members break with the Republican Party’s long-held commitment to keep our country safe? Will they make the hard decisions? Are they brave enough to isolate the hard-right who seek to weaken the United States of America as they work to prove the U.S. is not reliable?   Or are they too afraid of a primary challenge?  The way to answer a primary challenge is to draw upon the GOP’s long-standing commitment to a strong defense.

One might remember that George W. Bush started a full-blown war that cost us 10,000 lives, and the people of those two countries – Iraq and Afghanistan are still suffering the aftereffects.

By helping Ukraine fight to protect their democracy and their freedom, the U.S. and the Western World have suffered Zero! casualties.  Bush gave us a war we didn’t need, and his two wars lost 10,000 American soldiers.  Now, this Ukraine war is one that serves to protect us all from sending our sons and daughters to war.  It will also serve as a deterrent to China, making Xi Jinping think twice before going after Taiwan,

The key question: will our elected officials stand for freedom?  If they break the word – the commitment of the United States of America, they not only risk Ukraine’s freedom but also risk America’s freedom. They may also stop Russia from starting WWIII.


Jeff Stein, Jacob Bogage The Washington Post As House GOP flails, government shutdown fears reemerge
Paul Krugman, The New York Times:  Will Voters Send In the Clowns?
Editor in Chief, Maxim Trudolyubov, Kennan Institute, Wilson Center:    Russia File:  The Power of Russian Cultural Othering in Ukraine