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When is it okay not to be okay? When is enough, enough?

By February 17, 2023No Comments

This was Emma Riddle’s second shooting.   Run. Hide. Fight.  She is practiced at surviving.  He dad said, “It’s heartbreaking that she has these tools.”

It takes “tools” to run, hide, and fight but it also takes “tools” to recover.  Emma says “She won’t overextend herself this time.  She’ll know when to say no.  She’ll know when to talk about it and when not to.”

When will we admit that people who have guns kill lots of people?  Guns make people into more efficient and effective killers.  There are too many guns.  There are too many lazy Americans who do not secure their guns — see the parents of the six-year-old if you need another example.

John Woodrow Cox reports for The Washington PostShe survived a high school shooting. At Michigan State, it happened again.