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Nixon had a secret plan

By October 31, 2022No Comments

This year Republicans insist they have a plan, and they insist, the plan is “so very much better than the Democrats’ plan.”  The problem?  It’s secret.

Of course, Nixon did this, too.  He campaigned on his secret plan to end the war, and of course, people believed it.   What we got was four more years..

The difference — this time Republicans tell us their plan relates to tackling inflation — no details.  They’ll just solve it.  But how did that go last time?  We quote, “Trump left office with an unemployment rate of 6.3 percent (after a disastrous 14.7 percent in April 2020) and 2.9 million fewer jobs than when he took office.”

In contrast, here’s the Democrats’ plan:  (1) Reduced medical costs — lower Medicare & ACA premiums,  renegotiating drug prices, limit out-of-pocket drug costs, and more.  (2) Increased SS payments.  (3) create good jobs doing necessary work that needs to be done — see Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act, the infrastructure bill, and the American Rescue Plan.  Republicans were unanimous in opposing the Inflation Reduction Act and the American Recuse Act, and only about 16 Republicans voted for the other two.  

Donna Brazile reports for The Hill:  Republicans are hiding their economic agenda: Democrats should expose it