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“Never Trump” Republicans reject “Trumpism” & Support Democrats

By October 19, 2022No Comments

Senate candidate 3 STAR Admiral Mike Franken (D-IA) has a TV ad featuring Republican former Grassley supporters who say, “never again,” and long time Iowa Republican Congressman Jim Leach has switched parties and is working for Franken.  TX governor candidate Beto O’Rourke (D) aides tell how they overhear people standing in line to get their pictures taken with Beto, saying they are Republicans who previously supported Abbott.

90+ Republicans have joined together to support Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) in “Republicans for Kelly.”  150+ Republicans have signed up to support Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) in “Republicans for Whitmer.”  About 50 Republicans are publicly supporting Tom Akoosh (D-ID) for Attorney General.

Many more Republicans are supporting Democratic candidates all over the country.

Isaak Arnsdorg reports for the Washington Post:  How the ‘”Never Trump’ movement became ‘Never Trumpism’