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Crimean Bridge Blows Up. NATO stands strong with Ukraine.

By October 11, 2022No Comments

The blow-up of the Russian bridge to Crimea took Putin’s breath away, but he finally found something to say, i.e., he called it a terrorist act.  “Funny” how Putin can consider the blow-up a terrorist act while he continues his many attacks on the sovereign state of Ukraine, including shelling, raining down missiles, and deliberate attacks on Ukraine’s civilian population (rape, torture, pillage).  Now Putin’s people are fixing the bridge, and he has again attacked all of Ukraine, including Kyiv, with missiles.  Meanwhile, Kazakhstan — one of the countries where Russian men are escaping to as they seek to avoid the draft, has refused Putin’s request to do military exercises in Kazakhstan.

The good news for Ukraine is that the bridge has been the most important route for the war supplies Putin stock-piles in Crimea for his war-making in Ukraine.   (Note:  Putin stole Crimea from Ukraine in 2014).  Ukraine has grown really good at stopping Putin’s supply lines and taking back its territory.  Most importantly, while Kazakhstan refuses Putin’s military exercises, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) stands firm in helping Ukraine defend its sovereignty.

Clara Ferreira Marques writes Opinion for Bloomberg: Putin’s Response to Crimea Bridge Attack Shows How Much It Hu.rt