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Scare Tactics and False Flags — ELECTION THREATS!

By September 12, 2024No Comments

We heard some of them watching the debate, all lies rolling out of Donald Trump’s mouth:  He had nothing to do with Jan. 6th;  the election was stolen but he had nothing to do with it; Who ever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election, where you have every right to do it? You get indicted, and your poll numbers go up.  The same old story. More lies.

But threatening elected officials is serious.  In 2020, the lies and threats piled up so high (and bad) that election judges had their lives threatened and at least one had to move out of her house.

Ariana Figueroa, Michigan AdvanceThreats to election workers as November nears detailed at congressional hearing

PBS News: How Trump has made election lies a key feature of his campaign

Calvin Woodward, AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s vote falsehoods, into day of defeat