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UPDATED in review: The Debate.

By June 28, 2024June 30th, 2024No Comments

Trade a 34-felony Convicted President for Biden?

Biden stands with us.  We must stand with him.

Yeah. Sure.  Kamala did well afterward but need I remind you?  Biden is our nominee.  This is not going to change.

Biden does not have a long string of failures, just this one debate failure, compared to Trump, who has a very long string of lies about his failures and no string of successes to balance the lies.

So we had better get started going after Trump — holding him accountable.  Did he say one thing that wasn’t a lie?  Did you notice Trump admitted he had talked to Putin about Ukraine?  No wonder Trump can promise he will end the war on Day One.  He has already sold out Ukraine and, with it, sold out the Western World and our democracy.

  • 44% of our American military comes from rural America.  Trump sold out every one of our men and women soldiers when he admitted he had cut his “deal” with Putin about Ukraine and the Western World (Us!)

So which do you want?

  • Trump, who partners with the enemy and every other sold-out oligarch?  Trump, who lies every 2nd word out of his mouth?  Trump who, when he loses an election, organizes a coup against our great nation?  Trump and his 34 felonies?  Is he what we want our children to be like?
  • OR?  Do you want a sitting president with an exemplary record to be proud of and one not-so-successful debate?  Isn’t even one glitch allowed?  Must he be perfect?  Biden is the president who got us cheaper drugs (finally!), is working to solidify Social Security, and has invested in infrastructure.  He has stood by our working people, walked the picket line, and, on the international front, stood with our allies in NATO and the EU.  Biden is the president we can trust.

So now, we are where we are.  We must get started ASAP on helping people Trump’s record.  “Going after Trump” — clarifying the record, is our job, both domestically and internationally.  Our great nation and all the Western World need us to do it.  Will you join us?

  • UPDATE:  Biden has his mojo back.  He gave a hot speech in North Carolina the day after, and he tucked in a bit of “just right” mea culpa about how the debate went.  The Washington Post has published in Sunday’s edition Glen Kessler’s FACT CHECKER accounting of all the lies.

But to be clear:  I find Trump’s lies about how he will end the war in Ukraine on Day One particularly egregious since Trump admitted he sold us out in the depart.  Did you hear him say he had talked to Putin about Ukraine.  We should not need much more clarity to understand that the reason Trump can promise to end the war on Day One (if he is elected) is that Trump must have offered Ukraine (and our democracy) as the sacrificial lamb.   And likely as part of the deal, he would pull us out of NATO and begin new “partnerships” with the oligarch countries.  Never mind working with our friends, our allies, our sister/brother democracies..

So let us be the kind of people who stick with our friends.  Joe has stood with us, and we must stand with Joe.  We need to have Biden’s back like he takes ours.  Our country needs Joe.