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By May 20, 2023No Comments
Republicans have already started spreading the lie that, at age 80, President Biden is too old to be President.
I say it’s a lie because (1) Biden’s doing the job quite well, thank you very much; (2) his accomplishments as President are not only impressive, they are historic in many areas; (3) Biden’s accomplishments would make what Republicans did during Trump’s four years in the White House pale to insignificance if the Trump years hadn’t been so destructive and tragic for America. Accordingly, it’s hard to say Trump’s record is “insignificant” in comparison because it was so awful.
This contrast explains why the Republicans are already rolling out lies about Biden, especially something as phony as his age. You see, they can’t withstand an honest comparison about things that are real. So their best – maybe only – hope is to sell Americans a pack of lies about him – which tells you all you need to know about what they have to offer the American people. Nothing. They have nothing to offer. Nothing but more attacks on democracy, farmers (remember the foreign markets Trump’s policies as President destroyed?), and other working people.
 By the way, while Republicans peddle their “Biden is too old” lie, here are a couple of other facts they are not telling you:
   1.  Their official Republican Party leader in the US Senate, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), is 81.
   2.  The current senior Republican US Senator in the Senate 89-year-old Chuck Grassley (R-IA), who Republicans spent millions of dollars just last year to re-elect to another six-year term in the Senate. Yes. He’s 89.
Funny, but Republicans don’t seem to complain that the ages of McConnell and Grassley ought to disqualify them from holding major public office. In fact, last year, when Republicans spent millions to re-elect Grassley to another six-year term in the Senate, he was eight years older at that time than Biden is today. A six-year term in the Senate is the longest time a politician can be elected in America. “Sign him up for another one!” Republicans shouted in unison.
When I hear Republicans whine about the President’s age, I am reminded of the attacks rivals floated during the U.S. Civil War about General U.S. Grant. As his reputation grew as a General who would fight and win – and as his stature with Lincoln also grew –  rumors started circulating that Grant was a heavy drinker. Grant’s rivals made sure those rumors spread, but they also reached President Abraham Lincoln’s ears. The war-weary President’s reaction: “I wish some of you would tell me the brand of whiskey that Grant drinks. I would like to send a barrel of it to my other Generals.”
It is how you do the job. Not how old you are when you do the job that matters.
In farm country, there’s an old saying about the difference between a “work-horse” and a “show-horse.” Biden is most definitely a “work-horse” at just the time America needs a “work-horse” the most. Biden is running circles around Republicans in Washington as he compiles a record that will be remembered well in the history books.  The Biden Record:  defeating the Covid pandemic, protecting democracy as it is under attack from within, lowering the cost of prescription drugs and insulin, restoring an economy nearly destroyed by Covid by his predecessor’s mishandling of it, tackling climate change head-on, and with urgency, strengthening mental health care, and much more.
Biden’s done it all under the most difficult circumstances, too, with a Republican opposition that would literally rather destroy democracy or the country than allow him – and us – to succeed.
The truth is, Biden’s age is not a real issue. It’s a manufactured one, designed to distract from the President’s historic accomplishments and to divert attention away from the fact that Republicans have no plans or ideas for improving American lives.  None. Republicans didn’t even bother to draft or adopt a party platform in 2020, something Harry Truman used to call a party’s “contract with the people” on what it intends to do. That’s how much thought and effort they are putting into actually governing.
Be suspicious – very suspicious – when, first thing out of the gate one side starts telling lies about the other side, rather than talking about their plans to make the country stronger. When they do that, it’s usually a pretty good tip off to the fact that they don’t have any plans to make America stronger. All they can do is tear the other side down.
By the way, there is one more thing to keep in mind as Republicans peddle their phony age issue and it really underscores the absurdity of their effort.
Who is the front runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination? It’s 76 year old Donald Trump. Anybody see a significant difference between the age of a 76 year old and an 80 year old? I don’t. Four years. That’s it. They could have attended the same high school together.
The real difference is that one candidate – Biden – believes in democracy and in building America. The other – Trump – clearly favors fascism – and has already done much to destroy what makes America strong and good.